3 Steps to Upping Your Motivation Today

How motivated are you feeling right now to start that new project, begin your fitness routine or perhaps eat healthier? On a scale of 1-10, how motivated are you?

Chances are if you are reading this you’ve scored 5 or below! Basically not motivated enough to get off the couch and actually make today the day you start.

Don’t worry there is nothing wrong. You are not a failure and yes you can feel motivated.

These learnings have come from working with my clients who come to me for support in creating positive habits, in particular morning routines and are struggling to get motivated and start

So here’s 3 steps you can take today, to up your motivation and get you started. Today.

1) Focus on the first step

If you are feeling overwhelmed by just the thought of starting something new chances are you’re focusing on the end result and that, right now, feels so far away. Maybe even unachievable. So in order to get started, to get motivated ask yourself this ‘what does step 1 look like?’ That can be something as simple as setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier for tomorrow. Finding your yoga mat. Buying a new journal and pen. Deciding on a route for your walk. What if that was all I asked you to do today, does that feel easy? Focus on and take this first step.

2) Connect a feeling to the outcome

Let me ask you this - why do you want to start/create this new thing anyway? If you can’t give me an immediate answer then let’s take a step back from focusing on the starting and instead let’s make sure this is actually something you WANT to do rather than something you feel you HAVE to do.

So I want you to ask yourself this - How will you feel if you achieve the outcome you desire? If the answer to this question doesn’t excite you do you really expect to feel motivated enough to start?

Make that outcome exciting, make that outcome something that you can really feel. If we can achieve this that motivation will go up - we’ll WANT to feel that way so we’ll start taking steps towards that.

3) Believe in yourself

Do you believe you can achieve your goal? Not just a ‘maybe’ but a ‘hell yes’? I want you to really consider this one. If it’s not the latter then it’s like me asking you to walk 1km but I forgot to tell you it has a 50% gradient. All of a sudden it becomes a greater challenge, we’re not sure how long it’ll take, whether we will be able to do it and we’re starting to consider giving up before we’ve even started. We stopped believing in ourselves.

Our mindset is something we are in control of, something we can change. Focus on this. Visualise yourself getting where you want to be, connect back with the feeling from step 2, tell yourself - this is possible. If you don’t believe it’s possible why would you expect to feel motivated? After all no one likes to fail!

So I’ll ask you again - Do you believe in yourself? That’s better, I heard that ‘hell yes’!

How motivated are you feeling now? Which step are you going to focus on today? Leave a comment below and let me know. If you are needing help to get clarity on that first step then reach out, this is what I love to help my 1:1 clients with and help them to move forward feeling motivated. You can book a FREE call by clicking HERE.


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