Christmas Family Drama: 5 Expert Strategies for Maintaining Your Sanity.
Dreading Christmas family gatherings isn't just common—it's normal. This post reveals how to protect your mental health, set boundaries, and navigate festive social pressures without guilt. Whether you're planning to attend or choosing to opt out, discover strategies to survive the season on your own terms.
Overcome Writer's Block With These 5 Journaling Tips
Struggling to make journaling not feel like a to do list? Here I’ll share my top tips for creating a journaling practice and ensure you actually enjoy it!
10 things I have to remind myself on a regular basis
Do you have messages or questions that you often say to yourself? The ones you need to hear when things are feeling challenging or you’re stuck in overwhelm. Here I share 10 of the messages I often tell myself.
3 Steps to Upping Your Motivation Today
Struggling to get motivated and take that first step? Use these 3 practical steps to move forward and increase that motivation.
10 tips to become someone who loves their mornings
Hate getting up in the mornings? Wish you could be one of those people who love their mornings and wake up excited to get our of bed? Here’s my top 10 tips to get you closer to creating your magic morning.
Why journaling is more than just writing your thoughts
What are the benefits of journaling? How can it help to make those thoughts lighter? Isn’t it just a way of writing down your thoughts? Well - yes and no - let me share why I find journaling such a benefit - especially when overthinking Kat likes to make an appearance!
3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Wait Until New Year To Start Working Towards Your Goals
Do you put off starting that new habit until the New Year? Find yourself setting resolutions, February comes and they become more of a stress than a joy? How about starting today?
How to create your home yoga space
Sharing 4-steps to creating a home yoga space that inspires you to get on your mat.
Simplicity in 3 steps
Wishing you could live a simple life?
I’ll take you through 3 practical steps to help you welcome in more simplicity in your everyday life.
5-ways to take yoga off the mat
My yoga practice lacked consistency until I discovered that yoga wasn’t just about what I did on the mat.
Here I share 5-ways that you can take your yoga practice off the mat and into your everyday life.
30-days of enhanced social connection
How would you rate your social connections?
Do you actively spend time to enhance these?
Here’s 5 things that I learnt after focusing on enhancing my social connections for 30 days.
Permission to take a rest
How are you?
That’s great?
But is it really?
I’m not sure so. I share here why I believe taking a rest is vital to our existence.
Are your expectations for perfection holding you back?
What would happen if you decided to lead with imperfection?
Overcoming my resistances to yoga
I’ve made all the excuses in the past as to why I don’t practice yoga and yet here I find myself teaching yoga and supporting people to build a simple practice. So how did I get here?
I share how I broke through my resistances to yoga and created a consistent practice that I commit to and actually enjoy!
Which yoga mat shall I buy?
Overwhelmed by the choice on yoga mats out there?
Here I give you an insight into my favourite mats to cater for your specific needs.
3 Confessions of a Yogi
Do you think yogis are always in this state of calm and pure bliss? Think again!
I’m about to confess all to you about what being a yogi really looks like.
International Yoga Day 2021
Celebrating my first International Yoga Day as a qualified yoga teacher.
I share why this practice has changed my life in such a meaningful and withstanding way.
6 Unexpected lessons I’ve learnt from my yoga practice.
There are so many learnings I can share with you that my yoga practice has given me but here are my top 6.
These have moulded my practice into what it is today - consistent, random but hugely beneficial - sound familiar?