Kathryn Amey

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Why journaling is more than just writing your thoughts

I started journaling about 5 years ago. I’m not going to pretend I’ve have a consistent practice ever since. In fact sometimes it’s like a distant friend you haven’t spoken to for a while that pops up in your mind and you know you need to make time for them! But whenever I have periods away from my journal I notice that my thoughts feel heavier, louder and the negative ones are on repeat!

But why? What are the benefits of journaling? How can it help to make those thoughts lighter? Isn’t it just a way of writing down your thoughts? Well - yes and no - let me share why I find journaling such a benefit - especially when overthinking Kat likes to make an appearance!

So picture one of those days - you have a decision to make, both ways feel equal, neither seems the obvious choice so you find yourself going back and forth and then decide to wait until tomorrow because surely after you’ve ‘slept on it’ you’ll know the answer. So you wake up and guess what - you still can’t decide! Sound familiar?

This is one of the many situations journaling can be beneficial - it’ll save you time and stop the incessant circling of your decision making. In this case I’d use a journal prompt (basically a question) to guide the words I write - I’d ask myself. ‘If I chose option A, how would I feel? If that means missing out on option B, how does that feel?’ Normally I’d find the answer through these 2 questions otherwise I’d continue asking myself questions until I do. The benefit of using journaling for decision making is that you are giving space for exploring all options and seeing how each one lands. Rather than just making a decision because you have to or not making one at all!

Other than decision making what else is it journaling good for?


Yes you read that right. It’s that secret magic pill that a Doctor will never prescribe.

We’ve all been there, we get into bed tired ready for a good night’s sleep only that thing that George said to us earlier that annoyed us is on repeat in our thoughts. What did he actually mean? Why would he say that? I should have said this. Why didn’t I respond with that? I know, don’t worry - we’ve been there.

Spending a bit of time before bed each night, perhaps finishing this sentence… ‘Today I am leaving behind…’ can help to process those emotions and thoughts that keep us up at night, that’ll reappear the next morning and still not feel resolved.

So instead of thinking that journaling is just a way of writing our thoughts -think of it as this…

Journaling processes the thoughts, gives air time for each one and can lead to action - even if the action is as simple as - I chose not to give that thought any more of my time.

On that note, I’m off to journal in my favourite spot, on the beach at sunset :) enjoy exploring those thoughts.

If after reading this you are ready to give journaling a try, I created a simple free resource to get you started - you can download it HERE

And if you are looking for recommendations for a new journal then check out Inspired Stories - I’ve been using their stationary for a couple of years now and just love it. It’s practical, inspirational and beautiful! CLICK HERE to check them out and enter KATHRYN10 and you’ll receive 10% off your basket.