Kathryn Amey

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International Yoga Day 2021

This is my first International Yoga Day as a qualified yoga teacher and the first time I have really taken some time to acknowledge this day and give thanks to the practice that has changed my life.

For many years yoga was all about a physical practice for me. It was about pushing my body into positions that maybe looked great but that ultimately did not feel comfortable. Now I look back it’s clear that I was doing that off the mat too. Allowing myself to be in situations that didn’t feel quite right, that weren’t making me happy. Yet on the outside it looked like I had it all together.

I was resisting change
Choosing to stay in my comfort zone
Taking the the easier option, the perceived ‘right thing’ to do

But you can’t lead an exceptional life if you stay in that zone.

I feel like I’ve only just scratched the surface when it comes to learning about yogic philosophy and all the great things we can take from the teachers that have shared their practice and knowledge with us.

The practice of yoga is so much more than the demands we put on our body. It can teach us:

  • To connect with our real selves - not the self that others define us as

  • To modify our movements and actions in order to better serve us

  • To become aware of things that don’t feel right and lean into the opportunities that arise

For only we know our true selves and for many of us, we become disconnected to that person.

The power is in the reconnection.

So thank you to all the great teachers that I have learnt from and thank you to every student who has given me the opportunity to share my learnings with them. I believe we all have it in us to re-establish that connection and walk the journey to finding happiness. I’ll be here every step of the way to support you.

I’ll see you on the mat

Kat x

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.” – Marianne Williamson