Kathryn Amey

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I’m not strong enough
I’m not flexible enough
I’m just not ready

Are your ‘imperfections’ holding you back? How many times have your doubts stopped you from doing something?

It’s not the right time, the right place, I don’t have the right body or the right mind!

Does perfection even exist? What if we accepted that there isn’t the ‘perfect’ formula we are all searching for. What would that mean for you? What would you do if you if you knew you couldn’t fail?

My desire for perfection has held me back in so many ways. I gave up activities that I excelled at, waited for the ‘perfect time’ to take that next step and stayed in situations far too long that didn’t serve me.

It’s even stopped me from stepping on my yoga mat, searching for the perfect time, setting or teacher. But it’s all just excuses and the time wasted creating those excuses I could have spent on the mat!

Even on the mat we can get lost in the idea of perfection, the alignment of a posture, the sequence, even the clothes we wear! But how about just moving in a way that feels good for you, rather than what’s deemed ‘right’?

So maybe it’s time to step out of that comfort zone, show up before you are ready, press publish whist you are still having doubts, say yes to things that scare you.

Maybe you’ll fail, but I can guarantee you’ll learn something. Then take those learnings and try again.

I’m slowly learning to be imperfectly perfect, anyone else?