Kathryn Amey

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Simplicity in 3 steps

The word simplicity - what does this mean to you?

Does is feel restrictive? Mean going without? Or does it bring this sense of calm and clarity?

Over the past year this word has guided many of my decisions. Purchases, relationships, business and health.

But what does it really mean to live a simplistic life? How do you clear the clutter? Does it mean going without?

I’m going to break this down into 3 steps and offer you some practical tools to build some simplicity into your life:

  1. Do I need to simplify?

    Maybe you are thinking, my life is already simple enough, I can’t make it any simpler! So let’s explore.

    Do you have clarity? Do you know what your values are? Do you often feel like you are busy but not on the right things? When we over consume ‘stuff’, our thoughts can become clouded and it can starts to be challenging to focus on the things that are important to us.

    What area of your life feels overwhelming right now?

    How can you make this less cluttered?

    What things can you stop doing or get rid of?

    How can you make space?

    It’s not about reorganising things into a tidy fashion - the clutter is still there! We can instead clear out as much of the ‘stuff’ as possible - leaving us with all the important things that enable success.

  2. Have less to have more

    By getting rid of things we can create more space to welcome in more. No I don’t mean more stuff! I mean more freedom, more opportunities - less distractions. Imagine you want to move house, it’s stressful right? Now imagine you had half the possessions you do now, how much easier does it feel?

    We can apply this to all areas of our life - let’s take your social media consumption as an example. How many people do you follow whose content frustrates you? A question for you - why do you follow them?!


    Unfollow people, consume content that you vibe with, not content that brings resentment.

  3. Simplicity is a perspective

    Maybe you think it’s easy for some people to simplify their lives. But when it comes to you, you have way too many commitments, the wrong environment, a strict employee - whatever it is - a simple life is just not going to happen for you.

    Comparing your situation to someone else’s is not the answer. What works for one person may not work for you. How you spend your time and money may be very different to other members of your family. Neither is ‘right or wrong’ it’s a perspective.

    Spend some time looking over how you spend your time and money - now once spent, you won’t get either of these back - so make sure these align with your values.

    Is your fitness important to you? Great - how much time and money are you spending on this?

    Is having a close relationship with family important to you? Great - are you using your time wisely to enable you time to nourish these relationships?

    This is personal - it’s your perspective - so be careful on taking advice from others on how you ‘should’ be spending your time and money.

    Do what lights you up!

Are you ready to welcome in more simplicity into your life? Wish you could create a simple yoga practice that you’ll be able to commit to? I created the perfect resource for you.

Download my FREE guide now: 3 Simple Steps to Starting your Home Yoga Practice.

This blog post was inspired after my IGTV live with the wonderful Phil Anthony - go check him out!